RITS, Ethereal, and the future near and far

death..decay.. he lives in it

The digital release of Ravens in the Sky has thus far been a modest success. RITS has, in fact, found its way to the Smashwords’ best-seller list for Dark Fantasy. Remember to use redemption code QA44R to purchase RITS for $1.00.

Feedback has been really positive, along with reports of small typos and minor adjustments. We are fixing these issues for the book’s print-launch, which is now looking more like a week or two away (Sometime around May 29th, hopefully). It is important to me to provide the best quality work possible. Many people have helped me in this cause and the book has become, in many ways, a product of the company I keep — good professionals and even better friends.

Ethereal Princess, a short story written, with Anthony Pellegrino, and submitted to inkitt.com’s “Epic Worlds” contest, is #3 out of 191 contenders. We are very pleased with the current standing and would like to ask for you to please have a read of Ethereal Princess by clicking the link above and consider casting your vote for our antihero, John, and the apple of his eye, Princess Lyra. Placing in this competition will certainly translate into more adventures in Ethereal’s world.

Fans of Ravens in the Sky can rest assured they will not be left hanging after investing in the first novel. Work has progressed nicely on the sequel, and a third book is planned.

Codex of Threya, a young adult fantasy, is also progressing.

The Honest Guide to Adopting a Dog, a helpful nonfiction guide to finding your next best friend, has been updated to a second version including a section on whether or not to ‘crate’ your dog. Readers who have purchased this product through Smashwords should be able to download the new version for free.